An update from our friends at Minot PD, ND.
Kenny and Staff, I just wanted to write a quick note to you about a dog and handler team you trained for us. On 21 September 2015 we received a request for an attempt to locate on a suicidal juvenile female. It was after dark, in a nearly unlit area near the railroad tracks. We had 2 officers out using hand-held FLIR’s, one on the road over-looking the area, one at ground level. They had been on scene for about 20 minutes prior to t... he Officer and his partner K9 arrived. I will add, that the female’s car was parked near the railroad tracks, and the scene was contaminated prior to his arrival. The Officer deployed his K9 on a track, and within 5 minutes located the girl (acquired the track, and never lost it – head down the whole way). She had walked about 50 yards on the tracks, then onto a dirty road, and into a small grove of trees. She then laid down into a hole in the earth, which was surrounded by high grass and brush. She admitted to the investigating officers that she took 50 pills. It is my belief, the handler / dog team we received from you, saved this young girls life, as finding her by other means would have taking much more time, and would have been problematic at best. I would guess you are used to receiving pictures and stories of large narcotics seizures, but to me, there is nothing more important than saving an irreplaceable life.
Thank you!!
Sgt. Chapman, Minot Police Dept. North Dakota